Advancing the power of art to educate and inspire people to action
Save the Los Angeles Peace Center! Stop the Sale!
Click here to download poster design one
Click here to download poster design two
Since 1989, the Peace Center, created and funded through the generosity of Aris Anagnos, has provided rent-free offices and meeting spaces to diverse peace and justice groups throughout Los Angeles, enabling them to focus on the work they do best: educating and organizing for justice. The Peace Center’s continued existence is now being threatened. The building is for sale, and all the tenants have been told to leave.
To ensure that the Peace Center would permanently house its social justice tenants rent-free, Aris established the Aris and Carolyn Anagnos Peace Center Foundation. Prior to his death, the Peace Center Foundation Board voted to grant the social justice tenants at the Peace Center rent-free office space in perpetuity. Soon, after Aris died in 2018, his son Demos Anagnos, began to undermine his father’s legacy and take actions that his father would never have approved. Not only is he trying to sell the Peace Center, he has also filed to dissolve the Foundation.
The groups housed in the Peace Center include: the Center for the Study of Political Graphics; the National Lawyers Guild; Peace Action; California Clean Money; Common Peace; Americans for Democratic Action; the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador; and the Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala. The Peace Center’s impact extends much further. Countless progressive groups use the meeting rooms—for free—to organize, train, educate, fundraise, and celebrate. These include the Democratic Socialists of America, the Pacifica Foundation, Veterans for Peace, Jewish Voice for Peace, Health Care for All, and the American Civil Liberties Union. All that could be gone! Many of these organizations depend on the rent-free space at the Peace Center and, if taken away, may no longer be able to continue their peace and justice efforts. At a time like now, when social justice is at the forefront of the news and politics, these organizations are a critically important and vital part of the debate and cannot be lost.
A lawsuit to stop the sale of the Peace Center and challenge the dissolution of the foundation has been filed by the Center for the Study of Political Graphics. CSPG is represented by Jason H. Tokoro and Emily Sanchirico with the law firm Miller Barondess. While CSPG is but one of the beneficiaries of Aris’ generosity, the success of this lawsuit will protect all the peace and justice organizations housed in and using the Peace Center.
At a time when civic engagement is increasingly important, it would be catastrophic to all their work, and to Aris’ vision, to destroy the Peace Center. In the midst of a pandemic that has the greatest impact on the poor and people of color, the Peace Center is needed more than ever.
We are outraged at the attempt by Demos to subvert Aris’ legacy and lifelong commitment to the cause of peace and justice. Help us win this fight by adding your name to the attached letter which we will release to the press. Thank you for joining us in a show of support for these efforts.
In solidarity,
ad hoc Committee to Save the Peace Center:
(affiliations listed for identification only)
Carol A. Wells, Founder and Executive Director, Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG)
Jim Lafferty, Emeritus Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild
Theresa Bonpane, Co-Founder of the Americas
Susan Adelman, President, Lucy & Isadore B. Adelman Foundation
Sherry Frumkin, Death Penalty Focus Board of Directors
Ted Hajjar, CSPG Board of Directors
Scott Johnson, CSPG Board of Directors
Shari Leinwand, Chair Emeritus ACLU Foundation SoCal
Roger Lowenstein, CSPG Board of Directors
Sonia M. Mercado, Civil Rights Lawyer
R. Samuel Paz, Civil Rights Lawyer
Bob Schwartz, Center for Cuban Studies Board of Directors
Danny Widener, President, CSPG Board of Directors
The undersigned oppose the sale of the Los Angeles Peace Center. Everyone signing will receive updates on our fight to preserve this priceless resource. No contact information will be sold or traded.
Thank you for helping to save the Peace Center.
The undersigned oppose the sale of the Los Angeles Peace Center. Everyone signing will receive updates on our fight to preserve this priceless resource. No contact information will be sold or traded.
Thank you for helping to save the Peace Center
Jane Fonda
Ed Asner
Lily Tomlin
Martin Sheen
Mike Farrell
Guerrilla Girls
Barbara Kruger
Mike Davis
Dan Bloomberg, son of Carolyn and Aris Anagnos
Judith Lyons, daughter of Carolyn and Aris Anagnos
Thalia Anagnos, daughter of Aris and Carolyn Anagnos
Halle Van Oss, granddaughter of Aris and Carolyn Anagnos
Chloe Koseff, granddaughter of Aris and Carolyn Anagnos
Jeffrey Koseff, son-in-law of Aris and Carolyn Anagnos
Orenda Johnson, granddaughter of Aris and Carolyn Anagnos
Bree Van Oss, in-law of Aris and Carolyn Anagnos
Ellen Levy, daughter of Carolyn and Aris Anagnos
Pema Levy, granddaughter of Aris and Carolyn Anagnos
Robert Greenwald, Brave New Films
Jane Wagner, writer, producer, director
Culture Clash
Marla Stone, Board Chair, ACLU Foundation of So Cal.
The Reverend Michael J Cowan, Former National Exec. Dir., NLG
Jackie Goldberg, V.P. LAUSD Board of Education
United Food & Clothing Workers, Local 770
Suzi Weissman, Prof. Politics, Saint Mary’s College of Cal.
Paula and Barry Litt
Bob Brenner, Prof of History, UCLA
Jim Miller, Brave New Foundation
Alan Minsky, Exec. Dir., Progressive Democrats of America
Stephen Rohde, V.P. ICUJP
Steve Ross, Prof. of History, USC
Xochilt Sanchez CARECEN-LA
Gary Silbiger, Former Mayor of Culver City
Geri Silva, director of FACTS Education Fund
Paul Alan Smith, Pres., New Deal Manufacturing Co
Shakeel Syed, Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice
Attorney Dan Stormer, Hadsell Stormer Renick & Dai, LLP
Kent Wong, Director, UCLA Labor Center
Betsy Kalin, Dir., “Phoenix: The Life and Death of Alice Herz”
Robert Myers, Attorney
Gilbert Saucedo, Attorney
Keith Rohman, Public Interest Investigations, Inc.
Marjorie Cohn, Law Professor
Vincent De Stefano, Pres., De Stefano & Assocs.
Rocky Lang, Writer, Producer and Director
Rick Mitz, Writer, Producer, Professor
Laurie Traktman, Gilbert & Sackman Law Firm
Victor Narro, Program Dir., UCLA Labor Center
White People 4 Black Lives (L.A. affiliate of SURJ)
Anti-Racist Action LA/People Against Racist Terror
Benina S., Westside Branch Co-Coordinator, DSA-LA
Bernie Eisenberg, Grassroots Community Radio Coalition
Sarah Jacobus, Coordinating Committee, Jewish Voice for Peace-LA
Rev. Marcia L. Hoffman, a worker for peace
Estee Chandler, Founding Organizer, Jewish Voice for Peace, LA
Dennis Kortheuer
Fernando Velazquez, independent journalist and producer
Sara Sakuma, California Clean Money
Sherna Berger Gluck, emerita, Cal State University, social justice activist
Ramsey Kanaan, Publisher/Co-Founder of PM Press
Alice Wexler, author
Judy Branfman, activist/filmmaker
Vivian Rothstein
Joel Epstein, Communications Strategy
Dr. Bill Honigman, CA State Coord, Progressive Democrats of America
Hector Villagra, Executive Director, ACLU of Southern California
Vince Warren, ED, Center for Constitutional Rights
Sandra Levinson, Executive Director, Center for Cuban Studies
Center for Cuban Studies, New York
Cynthia Anderson-Barker
Mona Field
Sue Kaplan
Lauretta Nieves
Bruce Campbell
Lisa Ferreira
Stephanie Diaz
Zoe Nissen
Olivia Diaz
Anna Bogdanovich
Sandra Low
Bob Lawson
Iris Edinger
Cindy Asner
Kathleen Sheldon
Loretta Ayeroff
Angelica Salas
Kate Wolf
Nancy Ibrahim
Tamar Halpern
Charles Bloomquist
Carol Royce-Wilder
Michelle Coe
Phyllis J. Jackson
Margaret Wertheim
Martha Goldin
Judith Gerber
Louise Shaw
Barbara Johns
Suzanne Matsumiya
Richard Kahn
Lorna Zukas
Ellen Mahoney
Julie Thompson
Brogan de Paor
Marilyn Montenegro
Bonnie Coleman
Michael Kaufman
Brenda López
Carol Watson
Laura Goldin
Joe Gallagher
Susan Berke Fogel
Frank Dorrel
Diana Douglas
Chips Mackinolty
Rick Chertoff
Wendy Murray
Victoria Best
Mark Reback
Peter Meyer
Susan Wells
Carol Schneider
Rufo Noriega
Phyllis Bennis
Armando Vazquez-Ramos
Cyrus Sajadian
Charlotte Brody
Dara Wells-Hajjar
Carol Thom
Helen Jaskoski
Linda Kent
Nora Hamilton
Nina Edelstei
Sherri Hilario
Paula Goldman
Ellen Bridle
Lenore Dowling, IHM
Kathy Converse
Agustin Lira
Karen Pomer
Carlene Brown
Pat Mathias
Laura Levinson
Paul Newman
Tony Best
Louise Katz Sullivan
Stephen Kerpen
Tami Galindo
Joelyn Brickner
Sherry Anapol
Mary Sherwood Brock
Cathleen Deppe
Ruth Galanter
Tamadhur Al-Aqeel
Mary Haskell
Caryn Ruby
Laurie Pincus
Phil Brimble
Catherine Murphy
Nikolette Orlandou
Cheryl Revkin
Casey Revkin
M. S. Epstein
Wesley DeGracia
Amy Conger
Donna Buell
Jody Krupin
Diane Black
Howard Besser
P Anna Johnson
Robert Sieczkiewicz
Tony Litwinko
Mary Brady
Glenn Berkovitz
Jessica Ritz
Tad Daley
Kay Brown
Kay Gallin
Susan N. Masuoka
Lori Kearney
Francisco Letelier
Emilie Blanc
Gilda Haas
Tim Drescher
Cindy Bendat
Robin Doyno
Kate Kausch
Sheila Pinkel
Sarah Pillsbury
Cheryl Bianchi
David Davis
Debbie Meister
Barbara Hayden
Sylvia Aroth
Robert Parker PhD
Staci Steinberger
Barbara Rain
Nancy Rowe
Sherman Pearl
Maureen Cruise RN
Emily Winters
Barry Fisher
Greg Goldin
Rev. Jim Conn
Elissa Oblath-Johnsrud
Sam Forman
Laurence Frank
Julie Levine
Susan Millmann
Judith Bettelheim
Marcy Winograd
Casey Stoll
Clifford Tasner
Helen Sklar
Denis Recendez
Ashley Yang
Julia Tanenbaum
Ismael Parra
Barry Steiner
Lenny Potash
Doris Nelson
Riddhi Patel
Pamela Koslow
Douglas Sherman
Archie Fagan
Robert Moskowitz
Erika Feresten
Gary Marcus
Rheva Nickols
Patter Hellstrom
John Fortier
Huei Flowers
Dessa Kaye
Katharine Dreyfuss
Flori Schutzer
Katharine King
Haley Vallejo
Art Scotti I
Carol Fodera
Kennon Rains
Denny Karas
Nancy Greep
John P Weber
Our Revolution Los Angeles
Elizabeth Castillo
Nancy Niparko, MD Pediatric Neurologist
Petros Loannou
Jodie Evans
Yadira Arévalo
Sheila Goldner
Eurh Strauss MD
Steve Varalyay
Joseph Hancock
David Kurz
Cynthia Guthrie
Michael Tullius
Eric Ahlberg
Clare Carey
Marci Levine
Meredith Coulibaly
Armando A. Garcia
Victor J. Garza
Nicolas Rosenthal
Kirk Gaw
Karen Hellwig
Willa Seidenberg
Keith Walsh
Eric Sheppard
Ericka Avelar
Beverly Alison
Michael Reed
Susannah Teague
Rebecca Jean Emigh
Gary Nash
Mary Tyler
David Kim
Larry Lytle
Maria Tortu
Nowlin Haltom
Sharon Curtin-Bottomley
R D Stevens
Aron Llanos
Gillian Foulger
Gail Draper
Matthew Smith
Janet Lally
Chris Devlin
Lynn Rye
Alfredo de Batuc
Karen Pedersen
Prisca Gloor
Doug Bender
Steve Clare
Larry Jones
Alexis Recto
Graciela Ramirez
Lorraine Suzuki
Nicole McKeon
Ayse Arf
Yuri Shimoda
Deborah Myers
Linda Goin
Eda Hallinan
Louis Rothschild
Gabrielle Lee
Nancy Burke
Fleur Mitchell
Mindy Pfeiffer
Jeff Neff
Tina Markowe
Caroline Jorgenson
Ayanna Holmes
Donna Perkins
Sergio Escobedo
Mariah Sander
Isaac Williams
Alexandra Morgan
Wendy Lohman
Henry Apodaca
Douglas Humble
Hope Singer
Jane Kenner
Elsa Castaneda
Stephen Benson
Paul Feinberg
Marisa Ramirez
Rita Moreno
Jennifer Arcand
Mildred Antonelli
Sonja Carlson
Pratyusha Tummala-Narra
Christy Danieri
Victor Nepomnyashchy
Linda Pollack
Joan Sekler
Millie Wilson
Ryan Rambach
Francine Danieri
Whitney Bowers
Maryam Hosseinzadeh
Cullen Parr
Inez Reyes
Evan Salce
Linda Levitz
Leni Gerber
Peter Merlin Merlin
Michelle Weiner
Jay Reed
Ann Colburn
Judith Hansen
Dorien Grunbaum
Rashelle Zelaznik
Diane Klein
Katherine Altschule
Michael Altschule
Jonathan Fields
Raisha Pacella
Sara Arditti
Walter Wittel
Larry Nelson
Barbara Mastej
Emma Jacobson-Sive
Candy Siegel
Patrick Bonner
Angelica Tratter
John Ransom
Alison Stolpa
Al Shayne
Paul Tepper
Paula Berlin
Lillyin Love
Anne Bray
Susan Reese
Genie Saffren
Flo R
Nancy Pearlman
Sandy Brown
Mike Villasenor
William Greenberg
Eric Mann
Margo Landry
Cynthia Hart
Megan Williamson
Ana Padilla
Rocky Rushing
Gregory Verini
Maria Roxana Cruz
Richard Dawson
Jeannine Frank
John Cruz
Douglas Schneeman
Barbara Wyler
Carla Woodworth
Sally Nemeth
William Hunter
Marianne Hunter
Amber Johnson
Margaret Moser
Babette Mayor
Toni Hertz
Barbara Birenbaum
Nancy Escalante
N'Yisrela Watts-Afriyie, D.Min
Sydney Levine
Graemm Bridget McGavin
Edward Landler
Rosalinf Bresnahan
Jasmine Hailey
Carissa Alvarez
Scott Hinkle
A Chalmers
Jay Levin
Mary Christ
Jarno De Bar
Irina Novarese
Nina W. Merson
Larry Dilg
Rochelle Lee
Susan Curtiss
Nancy Berlin
Roger Haber
Jihae Simmons
Wallace Meek
Stephen Keener
Craig Simmons
Carol Henning
Theresa Brady
Jade Marie Jewett
Jim Smith
Courtney Hartman
Carol Covelli-Roberts
Karl Abrams
Nancy Young
Shana Nys Dambrot
Amanda Newman
Jolie Pearl
Ron Rios
Alice Stek, MD
Fred Aronow
Esther Rios
Yansi Murga
Elizabeth Resnick
Jennifer Josten
Janet Sternburg
Michael Gasper
Lori Zimmerman
Heather Bowlan
Ernesto Collosi
Kristi Upson-Saia
Sally Stein
Alicia Gonzalez
Rhoden Streeter
Mike Suhd
Jamie Angell
Alain Valtat
Amos Himmelstein
Poli Marichal
Candace Carnicelli
Rebecca McGrew
Carole Urie-Chickering
Becca Wilson
Celia Grail
Stephanie Nolan
Annabelle Rea
Lincoln Cushing
Diane Luby Lane
Bo Doub
Diane Christiansen
Louise Lewis
Judith Teitelman
Leigh Deleonardo
Rick Baum
Ronald Solorzano
David Aronow
Suzanne Noruschat
Rosa Romero
Alberto Tlatoa
Gloria Orozco
Sarah Earll
Theresa Chavez
Steven Luftman
Claudia Sobral
Carlos Ugalde
Kevin Kelly
Sarah Elgart
Jo'Ann De Quattro
Michael Slate
Jerald Stinson
Susan Philips
Rev. Jerald Stinson
Jon Krampner
Ken Ehrlich
Victor Kane
Donelia Heyn-Lamb
Mary Doub
Glenna Avila
Ian Schiffer
Glynnis Golden Ortix
Geralynn Krajeck
Michael Hersh
Uncle Don B Fanning
Mary Hardy
Carol Thompson
Carol Orzack
James Devine
Robert Lujan
Doug Minkler
Jeff Warner
Weba Garretson
Lexi Courtis
Gayle Blume
Kevin Anderson
Eleanor Osgood
Yoonha Hwang
Sherry Vatter
Fanny Ortiz
Felicia Rosenfeld
Mike Alewitz
Veda Veach
Orameh Bagheri
Licia Perea
Raul Villa
Christian Shaughnessy
Joe Palacios
Gabriela Kida
Kris Goldy
Paul Chin
Kohei Saito
Alexandra Torrens
Mariah Clegg
Tristan Scremin
Larry Gross
Laurie Steelink
Barbara Honig
Stacey Lancaster
Jed Pauker
Trini Rodriguez
Lynn Kersey
Joshua Pechthalt
Kris Baumgartner
Misako Lauritzen
Tsukuru Fors
Dorothy Reik
Joel Isaacs, PhD
Maya Bon
Melissa Monteleone
Gina Mayonado
Juan Del Rio
Consuelo Flores
Susan Smith
Maggie Jacobs
Rita Addessa
Stephanie Guzman
Samuel Intrater
Kevin Akin
Kevin Martinez
John Reiger
C. T. Weber
Norma J F Harrison
Nikole Cababa
Jason Bautista
Annalou Lingat
Kenneth Bonifacio
Gabrielle Sibal
Lorenzo Mutia
Jewelle Cruz
Celine Mendiola
Beatris Coronado
Mae Decena
Jhenine Cordero
Rose Monge
Thomas Lacey
Juliana Musheyev
Peter Rosenwald
Jeffrey Cooper
Holly Masri
Brent Riggs
Mike Feinstein
Fred Blair
Beth von Gunten
Jerry Manpearl
Allan Beek
Anne Zimmerman
Merilie Robertson
Sheila Xiao
Sehnita Joshua Mattison
Gregg Chadwick
Peace and Freedom Party LA County Central Committee
Tracey Kardash
Jairo Angulo
Rebecca Wolff
Daniel Lichtenstein-Boris
Troi GeBorde
Jon Reitz
Olivia Rodriguez
Marti Pike
Lisa Smithline
Kevin Cruz
Gloria Vando
Hillary Gordon
Deborah Falb
Eric Vollmer
Roxanne Steinberg
Andreá Bronté
Daisy Delaney
Ruth Fischler Zasadil
Jodi Finkel
Wilma Reitz
Nancy Zala
Chaya Crowder
Teresa Verplanck
LaShyra Nolen
Marc Luber
Luke Atnip
Hiyasmin Saturay
Kat Conchada
Eric Tandoc
January Roan
Rafiel Cooper
Kayleigh Davis
Cynthia Shelton
Vanessa Acosta
Bodeck Luna
Rol Murrow
Phil Levy
Daryl Brow
Dennis Hicks
Mitchell Greenhill
Dianae Scartin
Audine Tayag
Stephanie Waxman
Megan Foronda
Allison Pardo
Menchie Caliboso
Romeo Hebron
Carol Anne McChrystal
Keilani Coquia
Xenia Arriola
Connie Call
Hanah Camill Faraon
Lauren Bollinger
Pamela Guerra
Luann Tan
Steven Osuna
Tiffany Enriquez
Glenn Price
Ruth Eklund
Paul Nolan
Robert Koseff
Jessica Tuck
Johnlyn Colcol
James Hanes
Marie Kennedy
Nellie Scott
Ann Chamberlin
JC Edualino
Eliseo Tenorio
Victor Marshand Webb
Kezia Jauron
Linda Campanella Jauron
Arthur Scotti
Meredith Gordon
Lorna Paisley
Susan Millman
Sue Chou
Grace Aaron
Paige Prevost
Elizabeth Van Denburgh
Stephen Tarzynski, M.D.
William Barclay
Paula Litt
Bohdan Oppenheim
Brad Jones
Jennifer Charnofsky
Karina Maher
Lynn Naliboff
Ryan Hamm
Kirk Luetkehans
Claire Hirsch
Genesis Moore
Peter Spelman
Manuel de Jesús Hernández-G
Elaine Katz
John O'Brien
Melodye Allen
Abby Diamond
John Ulloth
Susan Thornton-Zetino
Bernie Pearl
Daniel Smith
Pat Tonnema
Katie Lichtle
Kelly Richardson
Ivo Lovric
Karen Newe
Jane Anne Jeffries
Todd Lerew
Avanti Ji
Adam Green
Steve Weingarten
Sandra Sunshine Williams
Ulis Williams
Andy Manoff
Patricia Phillipes
Osman Posada
Michael Wisniewski
Jane Wallace
Marian Smith
Theresa Hulme
Michelle Cohen
Robin McConnell
Herman, Jr. Milligan
William Donnelly
Catherine Gudis
Hermina Ban
Evan Garcia
Alise Sochaczewski
Charles Fredricks
Karis Eklund
Thomas Kolsrud
Matt Lipps
Jonathan Danforth-Appell
Arielle Sallai
Brian Rubinow
Gigi Droesch
Diana Le
Andrew Hall
Angie Dickson
Amanda Roth
Rusteen Honardoost
Ruth Strauss MD
Patrick Putnam
Michael Bershad
Joseph Spir
Ace Katano
Kenny Chapman
Serena Brosio
Hugh McHarg
Leila Rand
Mike Plewa
Bettie Williams
Jan Williamson
France White
Matthew Shepherd
Marissa Jefferies
Claire Miyamoto
Abby Barrios
Christian Villalta
Carl Boggs
Jos Sances
Jane Brucker
Isabelle Gunning
Paulette Benson
Mary Wagle
Eric Baron
Peter Black
Ophelia Overton
Stuart Denenberg
Noe Montes
Sharon Markenson
Jenny Bekenstein
Summer Guthery
Hailey Loman
Sonia Mak
Sarah Russin
Laura Hyatt
Jennifer Doyle
Laura Fried
Joseph Valencia
Yoon Ju
Ellie Lee
Myron Orleans
Anne Ellegood
Adam Lee
Gabrielle Garcia
Gisela Morales
Tony Carfello
Brody Albert
Fatima Murrieta
Khin Khin Gyi, M.D., Ph.D.
Ankur Patel
Anita Frankel
Kwazi Nkrumah
Soyun Cho
Stephanie Solomon
Ani Boyadjian
Katherine King
Nicole Murph
Sarika Sanyal
Dorit Hanover
Kristina von Hoffmann
Stephen Lewis
Lee Whitten
Kate Goyette
Ernesto Vazquez
Lindsay Mulcahy
Aidan Thawley
Kevin Cervantes
George Jarrett
Barry Silver
Bill Dobbs
Ann Schoenfeld
Roger Marheine
Susan Cuscuna
Leslie Potenzo
Monica Wooters
Marilyn Schmitter
Myron Meisel
J Cole
Zena Pearlstone
Leslie Radford
Stella Koletic, DDS
Leticia Velasquez
Dennis Ramsey
Katie Blackwell
Sheila Gross
Holly Tempo
Candace Peterson-Kahn
Ricardo Wheeler
Karen Leichenger
Karen Oliva
Clara Oliva
Oscar Alberto Dominguez
Madelline Abrego
Lyle Daniel
Sofia Canales
Alex Ludington
Janette Linares
Ciara Tepayotl
Andrea Arana
Roberto Saravia
Aaron Escobar
Citlali Mendez
Stephanie Solis
Sarah Mae Dizon
Thomas Prentice, Ph.D.
Madeleine Conway
Alex Bouskos
Savannah Landau
Carla Orellana
María José Maldonado
Avery Raimondo
Christopher MacKay
David Cruz
Ceri Zamora
Jonathan Jimenez
Rebeca Grande
Hilary Goodfriend
Marie Valencia
Alejandra Acevedo
Emily Richardson
Sara Zavaleta
Ayla Bailey
Gabrielle Scharaga
Janel Pineda Pineda
Victoria Guzmán
Mara Imms
Sophia Sleap
Sandra Silva
Maria Diaz Zamora
Emely Rauda
Jose Haymas
Koryn Gomez
Rose Perez
Mayra Jones
Central American Students Association at Harvard
Karla Cativo
Tatiana Ramirez
Joanna Beltran Giron
Gemma Lurie
Alex Perez
Edwin Sanchez
Francisco Valladares
Yoselin De Leon
Judith Trujillo
Jencey Paz
Lizandra Arceo
Miguel Lopez
Izabelle Romero
Samuel Avalos
Daniela Gomez
Sophia Baumbach
Rob Aft
Rochelle Fabb
Maria Martinez
Raine Brackett
Rosa Maldonado
John Goodman
Bianca Vazquez
Vanessa Eckstein
James Vitek
Hope Lloyd
Marisa Fulper
Crystal Basaez
Sophia Montano
Sophie Strauss
Nathaniel Ramos
Herber Banda
Ellen Hageman
Hayley Blonstein
Sue Morena
Michelle Vazquez
Laura Adery
Daniela Garnica
Alejandra Chavez
Díana Trujano
Sheila Nash
Scarlett Villacorta
Kathryn Mills
Lilian Ayala
Melissa Castaneda
Paul Ahrens
Paula Kahn
James Loucky
Kendra Monterrosa
Karl Kramer
Majeska Seese-Green
Christal Smith
Scott Braley
Claire Gordon
Janet Van Fleet
Karrie Keyes
David Avalos
Dennis J Karas
Marian Gordon
Cindy Archer
Sandra Romero
Dana Doherty
Leigh Adams
Sean Nguyen
Andie Razo
Lauren Thompson
Nova Queen
J Ovalle
Hyla Etame
Lilia Destin
Eliza Vidaurri
Greg Bartlett
Jeff Schwartz
Wayne Liebman
Patrick Mundy
Thomas Fielder
Mila Kastenbaum
Mylan Tran-Roark
Valerie Hernandez-Vallejo
Leah Pressman
T Sarmina
Natalie Gonzalez
Rose Bergmann
Zaya Henn
Zoe Darlington
Meghan Chandler
Thea LaSan
Emma Raanan
Elí Alejo
Pete Rockwell
Grace Theobald
Eva Jane Chartier
Meron Ahadu
Karla Perez
Spencer Hoffman
Chantiri Resendiz
Beth Harris
Gloria Galvez
Jonathan Penzner
Olivia Gibbons
Ruth Mendez
Tom Camarella, JD
Bob Marquet
Barbara Aliza
Karim Shuquem
Channa Grace
Art Hazelwood
John-Michael Lee
Jeremy Palmer
Diana Fox
Rick Higginson
Chen Zhaogu
Rebecca Solomon
Steven Meeks
Claire O'Connor
Chuck Marchese
Toni Marchese
Manzar Foroohar
Brieanne Buttner
David Byrd
Natalie Leach
Gregory Wright
Gladys Garcia
Myra Boime
Greta Cobar
Louis Wolf
Natalie Sokoloff
Janet Heinritz-Cznterbury
Susan Masuoka
Brandon Rennels
Christopher Miles
Grace Patterson
Carol Frances Likins
Jim Sweeters
Suzanne Flores
Leda Ramos
Beth Meltzer
Jonathan Kawaye
Susie Day
Cheri Gaulke
Susan Tschabrun
Sylvat Aziz
Dorinda Moreno
Diane Middleton
Merna Strauch
Anoki Casey
Haithem El-Zabri
Eric Gordon
Michele Prichard
Meg Suhosky
Sheila Stillman
Jessica Delgado
Bruria Finkel
Zohar Chamberlain Regev
Kimberly Nguyen
Linda Neumaier
Kelly Linhardt
Jamie Hazlitt
David Kunzle
Kaye Beth
Robert Gerald (Bobby) Smith
Juan Fuentes
Whitley Crawford
Tesia Summers
James Witker
William Smithson
Linda Israelson
Joseph Tonan
Mary Roberts
Janelle Shaughnessy
Catha Paquette
Karen Kleinfelder
Chevy Pham
Cecelia Halle
Esthe Raucher
Patricia Moss
Sharon Sekhon
Ronald Warren
Mariona Barkus
Scott Tucker
Tobey Moss
Pam Ward
Prof. Klaus Staeck
Louise Sandhaus
China Brotsky
Susan Einstein
Fred Golan
Fandra Chang
Marsha Hopkins
Brett Drugge
Michael Letwin
Brian Soto
Susann Masuoka
Kawaye Jonathan
Aziz Sylvat
Diane Louise Middleton
Andy Mager
Nola Butler Byrd
Leda Ramos
Linda Meumaier
Andrew Tavoni
Robert Smith
Juan Fuentes
Michele Mouton
Joseph Tonan
Janelle V Shaughnessy
Karen L. Kleinfelder, CSULB Professor of Art History
Esther Terrestrial
Sharon E Sekhon
China Botsky
Pouya Jahan'shahi
Michael Z Letwin
Camille Ivy Wong
Juri Koll, Venice Institute of Contemporary Art
Teresa Brady
Lisa Taylor
Denise Robb
Freia Anders
Katelyn Kelly
Maria Soldatenko
Suzanne Siegel
William McNally
Nels Christianson
Michael P Minky
Lorna Paisley
Barbara L Nielsen (WILPF)
Susan Ketterer
Elizabeth Buchta
Laura Enriquez
Kathleen Conway
Rosa Manriquez
Barbara Dane
Betty Avila
Val Carlson, Organizer, Freedom Socialist Party Los Angeles Branch
Yan Sham
Serge Guilbaut
Michelle Rollenas
Florie Brizel
Linda J Eber
Anna Wayne
Jordan Elgrably
Mary Prophet
Edward L Keenan, Distinguished Research Professor, Dept of Linguistics, UCLA
Olga Severina
Health Care for All - Los Angeles Chapter
Carol Oblath
Janis T Pretzlav
Lasse Hejll
Marcia Annenberg
Jody Ginsberg
Kathie A Schey
Mary Goodwin
Jeremy Kagan
Lynn Ballen
Ken Laramay
Carol Smith
Susan Anderson
Srboohie Abajian
Eric Zolov
Ranil Abeysekera
Rhoden Stoner Streeter
Shelly D'Amour
Chris Nielsen
Elyse Gay
Dougal Wilson
Heath Row
Stefanie Crump
Eugenie Ross-Leming
Clare Eberle
Frédo Coyère
Judson Kilgore
Patricia Todd
Ronald l Warren
LaKeisha Williams
Joe Delaplaine
Kelly Wine
Marilyn Vassos
Jennifer Vassos
Andrew Perrine
Eli Jacobovitz
Dorinda Guadalupe Moreno
Angela Pedraza
Carolfrances Likins
Gloria Hickok
Carlos Cordoba
Elaine Wintman
Abbie Phillips
Cynthia Jimenez
Karen McLellan
Bonnie Choy
Nathaniel Moore
Darius Tilica
Mayra Flores
Tim Lachman
Sheila McCoy
Sarah Prokop
Reza Pour
Angelina Carrasco
Laurie S
Blanche Chase
David Evans Frantz
Frances Yasmeen Motiwalla
Lori Gipson
Lamont Yeakey
Brian Murphy
Jenny Calaba
Isabel Duron
Lenny Potash
Jayleen M. Sun
Ethel Gullette
Michael S Goodman
Pasquale Lombardo
Jo-Ann Morgan
Whitney Eskew
Benjamin Harmon
Elaine Smitham
S. A. Girffin
Christopher Fite
Kathy Mitchell
Beth Abels
Mary Ann Castle
Samantha Honowitz
Samantha Bempong
Brian Nieman
Maria Karras
Jane Paul
Fredda Weiss
Janet Farrell Brodie
Ryan Goodman
Miguel Perez
Robin Repp
Susan Malmstrom
Susan McLaughlin
Sharon Mizota
Bruce Altshuler
Melinda Smith Altshuler
Jason Vass
Ken Morrison
Krisy Gosney
Anselmo Lopez
Bonnie Acker
Bob Zaugh
Adrienne Hatrick
Mark Rhomberg
Kline Capelle
Dale Davis
Ash Hi
Michael Amescua
Devra Weber
Carol Steinsapir
Richard Profumo
Sharon Webb
Sandy Polishuk
Paul Von Blum
Karen Fiorito
Karim Sahli
Geneva Andrews
Bronwyn Jamrok
Gregory Jamrok
Nancy Ohanian
Cristina Cuevas-Wolf
Jim B Clarke
Luis Quinones
Mary Patten
Maria Ramirez
Cheryl LaBash
David Hoskins, OPEIU Shop Steward
Brian Miller
Claire Shimabukuro
Margaret Molloy
Janet Ter Veen
Sherie Stark
Vanessa Madrid
Louis D Armmand
Flavia Marichal
Jesse Ramirez
Katie Gilmartin
Lisa Kahn
Alysun Littlefield
Emily Sulzer
Ian Baran
Karen Morgaine
Jeoffry Gordon, MD, MPH
Kira Preston
Tania Garcia
Robert Liu
Debra Disman
Anne Zerrien-Lee
Kathy Lessuck
Lorraine Alfini
Joanna Arevalo
Ed Cavallini
Kathy Kartiganer
Gerald Pass
Robert Rosenbloom
Kate Murphy
April Katz
Bill Bollinger
Samantha Ceja
Lee Boek
Nick Santoro
Rupert Wolfe Murray
Nancy Auerbach
Michael Rapkin
Jazmin Miralles
Kathleen McHugh
Andrew Kovner
Dawn Arens
Lucile Butler
Carol Bahoric
Henry and Carole Slucki