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Celebrate Women's Struggles - Poster of the Week

We Celebrate Women's Struggles

Susan Shapiro

Printing: Gonna Rise Again Graphics

Issued by: Inkworks Press

Silkscreen, Circa 1975

Oakland, CA


The Bottom line of the poster explains that the poster test was an "Inscription on the walls of a cell: Con Son Women's Prison, South Viet Nam (Liberated April 30, 1075)"

It is a cruel coincidence that as Women's History Month draws to a close, the United States waits for another Supreme Court decision that could further restrict reproductive freedom—a cause that generations of women have struggled for. This week, the Court heard oral arguments in a case against the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for their efforts to make the drug mifepristone accessible. This medication is used for approximately two-thirds of abortions in the United States. A decision against the FDA would make abortion and miscarriage medication more difficult to obtain, even in states where the right to abortion is protected.

CSPG's Poster of the Week was created at a more optimistic time. In 1975, the Viet Nam War had ended, and two years earlier, the Supreme Court had legalized abortion nationwide in the Roe v. Wade decision. The poster shows that the fight for freedom is an uphill battle. Today we remember the women who have done the difficult work of preserving access to abortion. We celebrate them by continuing to fight for our rights, and staying firmly on that hill together.



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